
Project Charley is a team effort. We've combined efforts to do the most good.


Spero Rehab is our operating partner, utilizing their new facility in central Austin, and talented therapists. 


Red Wolf Cinemas is our marketing partner responsible for the collection of Project Charley videos.


NRC in Fort Worth, TX, is a national leader in neurological rehabilitation. We learn from their experience and are committed to working together. 


Arrow Advisors LLC is our marketing partner responsible for web design.


Team Luke is a founding partner of Project Charley providing major monetary support and guidance from the start.





Barney Sinclair

Shannon Sinclair

clint smith

Co-founder, leading reach

ALlison Brubaker


tim seigel 

executive director, team luke hope for minds

Patrick Spicer

Physiatrist, Seton & Dell Medical School

Christa Simmons

Occupational Therapist